Saturday, December 04, 2010

Some actual Turkey Talk

My older daughter & I have participated in two crafts shows this year. Can I just tell you that we found out in a very literal way that it's all about LOCATION?!?! Oy vey... the first craft show was out in the middle of cow country. Waaaayyyy off the beaten path, and apparently there were 8 other craft shows going on in & around York that same day. We were in a small church within one of their classrooms. 

All day we sold 1 item. In the picture below (which also includes my beautiful older daughter) hanging on the front rack is a purple fleece blanket. Some grandma bought it for her granddaughter & it was the cutest transaction -- to see that little girl's smile lighting up that room! But I digress...  at the end of the day, after figuring in my space fee, accounting for the goodies we bought & ate there, and for the single sold item, we'd made $11 in profit for the day. 

On the upside, my parents were in the room with us selling their items, which made the day fun just being able to all hang out blabbing. We three girls had brought a variety of stitch work. Maegan cross stitched, I quilted & my Mom was crocheting. My Dad is more the social butterfly & spent time getting to know the other vendors.

Below is a picture of part of my parent's set up. They have such a variety they offer: wood scroll Jesus crosses, crocheted hats & scarves, paintings, prints, cards, etc. Check out their website Van Wicklen's Creations to see what they offer!

I forgot to take pictures at our second craft show. It was equally small, but at least we sold several things that day. Our profits were slightly more than our first show but still didn't amount to much. The stand behind us seemed to be creating the most traffic as they were selling all kinds of baked goods & canned items.

 Now for the actual Turkey Talk. Below is a wall hanging I resized to fit my mini quilt hanger which I'd originally seen on the blog Zlaty Sews. Zlaty had shown one on her blog & she hooked me up via her mom-in-law who owns a shop & was able to sell me one! It's soo cute, I bought two!! 

I love my little turkey quilt, but it's still needing a few adjustments. For one thing, I need to upgrade the poor turkey's eyes. I couldn't find tiny enough buttons at my local shop, and Thanksgiving was upon me, so I improvised for the time being & did a few french knots for each eyeball. The eyes are too beady-tiny, and I'll have to order some buttons to give him proper eyes. There was also some discussion over Thanksgiving turkey about whether I should've omitted his beak. Sigh.... the quilt is only 12"x12", so the beak was going to be really tiny, but I've been told he looks weird without it. Not sure how I'll do that one yet....

And last but not least, is the turkey coaster below. Isn't that soooo cute?!? My Mom made a set of them for me for Thanksgiving! Love them!!

I hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving filled with peaceful times & surrounded by loved ones.

(Is that pie in the sky?? Sometimes vacations can be stressful with irritating family members we'd rather not deal with, holiday shopping on Black Friday to include grown women having a slap fest over some boots, and then cleaning up after all the extra people??? LOL -- those aren't necessarily MY experiences this year but rather some "shout outs" to some of my peeps ;-P )